Water & Oceans

EPA Targets Future Water Cleanups, But You Can Cover Problems Now

Topics of interest to your audience could include agriculture, construction, sewage plant discharges, urban stormwater runoff, industrial sources, concentrated animal feeding operations, hydraulic fracturing used in natural gas extraction, power plant cooling water use, and pesticide infiltration.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"The Oil Plume Paradox" -- Conflicting Studies Frustrate Journos

"Pinpointing the amount of oil lingering in the Gulf of Mexico continues to be a source of frustration for journalists and scientists alike, with multiple, contradictory — if not necessarily 'dueling' —research reports having been published on the subject over the last few weeks."

Source: CJR, 08/31/2010

Sludge Tracking Efforts a Jumble of Research With No Clear Answers

The application of sewage sludge (renamed "biosolids" by industry PR) to fields has created worries about smell, disease, and toxic contaminants. Federal efforts to track sludge problems have been fragmented, haphazard, and delayed -- which does not inspire confidence in industry-backed federal assurances that sludge is safe. The assurances have preceded the evidence that would support them.

Source: Greenwire, 08/27/2010
August 31, 2010

DEADLINE: Ocean Conservation Photo Contest

In recognition of the United Nations declaring 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity, Project AWARE Foundation and SeaWeb's Marine Photobank are calling for entries for the third "Ocean in Focus" Conservation Photography Contest that feature species in need of protection, the human impacts upon them and their environments, and the importance of conserving biodiversity.

Topics on the Beat: 

Marine Census Final Results Due Oct. 4, 2010

Summaries of marine diversity in eight settings around the globe have been published, with another 17 scheduled to be added in coming weeks. One of the discoveries was that the Gulf of Mexico is the fifth most diverse marine setting in the world for known species.

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