Water & Oceans

"Climate Change: 'Forever Plant' Seagrass Faces Uncertain Future"

"A hectare of this ancient, delicate plant can soak up 15 times more carbon dioxide every year than a similar sized piece of the Amazon rainforest. But this global treasure is now under extreme pressure from tourists, from development and ironically from climate change."

Source: BBC News, 03/15/2021

"Contaminated Aquarium Moss Balls May Unleash a Zebra Mussel Plague"

"Balls of moss commonly found in aquariums are threatening to push the zebra mussel invasion further across the U.S., wildlife officials are warning. Contaminated moss balls have been found in pet stores in 21 states in recent weeks, and both officials and the pet supply industry are scrambling to contain the problem before it’s too late."

Source: Earther, 03/15/2021

"House Republicans May Follow Democrats In Rebooting Shamed 'Earmarks'"

"U.S. House Republicans are weighing whether to join Democrats in getting back into “earmarks” - the practice of loading spending bills with legislators’ pet projects - and a decision is expected this week, two sources familiar with the process said."

Source: Reuters, 03/12/2021

Arizona Legislature Resists Attempts To Protect Groundwater And Rivers

"The Arizona Legislature has taken up a range of water-related measures this year, but some bills that would strengthen the state’s water rules to protect declining groundwater and desert streams have run into opposition and have failed to move forward."

Source: Arizona Republic, 03/11/2021


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