Water & Oceans

"Miami Says It Can Adapt to Rising Seas. Not Everyone Is Convinced."

"Officials in Miami-Dade County, where climate models predict two feet or more of sea-level rise by 2060, have released an upbeat strategy for living with more water, one that focused on elevating homes and roads, more dense construction farther inland and creating more open space for flooding in low-lying areas."

Source: NYTimes, 03/03/2021

'Run Oil Industry In Reverse': Fighting Climate Change By Farming Kelp

"One startup in Maine has a vision that is drawing attention from scientists and venture capitalists alike: to bury massive amounts of seaweed at the bottom of the ocean, where it will lock away carbon for thousands of years."

Source: NPR, 03/02/2021

Over 25m Drink From Worst US Water Systems, With Latinos Most Exposed

"Millions of people in the US are drinking water that fails to meet federal health standards, including by violating limits for dangerous contaminants. Latinos are disproportionately exposed, according to the Guardian’s review of more than 140,000 public water systems across the US and county-level demographic data."

Source: Guardian, 03/01/2021

Teaching Environmental Journalism. For the First Time. In a Pandemic.

An initiate to the ways of teaching collegiate journalism winds her way through unique obstacles of a first term under COVID-19, from students reporting in masks to class sessions on computer screens. Not to mention the already onerous challenges of training young journalists to report and write a range of environmental stories. EJ Academy has her story, from the stumbles to the successes.

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"Biden Urged To Back Water Bill Amid Worst US Crisis In Decades"

"Democratic lawmakers and advocates are urging Joe Biden to back legislation proposing unprecedented investment in America’s ailing water infrastructure amid the country’s worst crisis in decades that has left millions of people without access to clean, safe, affordable water."

Source: Guardian, 02/26/2021


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