Journalism & Media

January 18, 2023

DEADLINE: Dom Phillips Reporting Grant — "How to Save the Amazon?"

The Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Journalism Fund launched this grant in honor of murdered journalist Dom Phillips. Selected proposals for ambitious, wide-reaching journalism projects that investigate the future of the Amazon and how to prevent its collapse will receive the necessary funds to carry out their project. Deadline: Jan 18, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 13, 2025

DEADLINE: Professional Development Grants for Environmental Journalism In Europe's Earth Investigations Programme will award €84,000 for projects on collective development and support services for environmental investigative journalism in Europe. Incorporated legal entities worldwide can apply. Next deadline: Feb 13, 2025.

Topics on the Beat: 

Big Oil Is Behind Conspiracy To Deceive Public: First Climate RICO Suit

"The same racketeering legislation used to bring down mob bosses, motorcycle gangs, football executives and international fraudsters is to be tested against oil and coal companies who are accused of conspiring to deceive the public over the climate crisis."

Source: Guardian, 12/21/2022

"EPA Overhauls Chemical Reviews To Boost Transparency"

"EPA is taking steps to heighten transparency around its review process for new chemicals, amid an outpouring of criticism from advocates and watchdog groups who have called on the Biden administration to prioritize targeting toxic substances."

Source: E&E News, 12/20/2022


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