Journalism & Media

January 6, 2023

DEADLINE: EJN Scholarships for Journalists To Cover 2023 Biodiversity Conferences

Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) invites professional environmental journalists from low- or middle-income countries to apply for travel grants of up to $2,500 to attend and report from conferences and global summits related to biodiversity issues that are taking place in 2023. Deadline: Jan 6, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 20, 2025 to November 24, 2025

Global Investigative Journalism Conference and Fellowships Deadline

This biennial conference will be held next in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov 20-24, 2025, with fellowships available to both established and promising journalists in developing and transitioning countries, and for journalists from disenfranchised communities, to participate in-person (Jan 31 deadline).

Topics on the Beat: 
January 31, 2023

DEADLINE: CASW's GEOTRACES Reporting Fellowship in Antarctica

The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing's fellowship (and $15,000 grant) is for an early-career journalist to accompany an oceanographic expedition to Antarctica, Nov 2023-Jan 2024, investigating how rapid glacier melting and associated processes are affecting the chemistry of the world’s oceans. Deadline: Jan 31, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 

Disinformation Presents New Challenges to Environmental Journalists

An explosion of deliberately misleading information has hit the environmental journalism beat, argues the new Backgrounder. A look at how today’s untruth industry has evolved from that of the past, particularly in the area of climate change, and how reporters have now turned it into its own specialty coverage area. Plus, seven tips on what you can do to handle disinformation on your beat.

SEJ Publication Types: 

When Sizing Up Threats to Biodiversity, Databases Can Help

Biodiversity is on the minds of many this week as international biodiversity treaty talks take place in Montreal. For environmental journalists covering the topic, there are a number of databases readily available that track endangered species in the United States and globally. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox has a helpful list. Plus, visit our new biodiversity “Topics on the Beat” page and keep on top of the latest biodiversity headlines with EJToday.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Op-ed: What The Pesticide Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know"

"Like Big Oil, pesticide companies spend hundreds of millions every year on deceitful PR strategies to keep their hazardous products on the market, even as evidence mounts that many pesticides still used today are tied to certain cancers, damage to children’s developing brains, biodiversity collapse, and more."

Source: EHN, 12/12/2022

Big Oil Talks ‘Transition’ But Perpetuates Petroleum, House Documents Say

"Some of the world’s major oil companies remain internally skeptical about the “energy transition” to a low-carbon economy, even as they publicly portray their firms as partners in the cause, according to documents obtained by The Post that will be released by a House committee Friday."

Source: Washington Post, 12/09/2022

Alberta Withholding List Of 100s Of Dangerous Oil And Gas Sites From Public

"The regulator overseeing the energy industry in Alberta has kept the public in the dark for at least three years about a confidential list featuring hundreds of potentially dangerous sites contaminated by oil and gas development in the province, The Narwhal has learned."

Source: The Narwhal, 12/07/2022


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