Environmental Politics

"What Project 2025 Would Do To Climate Policy In The US"

"As delegates arrived at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee earlier this week to officially nominate former president Donald Trump as their 2024 candidate, a right-wing policy think tank held an all-day event nearby. The Heritage Foundation, a key sponsor of the convention and a group that has been influencing Republican presidential policy since the 1980s, gathered its supporters to tout Project 2025, a 900-plus-page policy blueprint that seeks to fundamentally restructure the federal government."

Source: Grist, 07/25/2024

"PFAS Widely Added To US Pesticides Despite EPA Denial, Study Finds"

"Toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” are widely added to pesticides, and are increasingly used in the products in recent years, new research finds, a practice that creates a health threat by spreading the dangerous compounds directly into the US’s food and water supply."

Source: Guardian, 07/25/2024

‘Dark Oxygen’ In Pacific Depths Could Force Rethink About Origins Of Life

"In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries."

Source: AFP, 07/24/2024


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