Peking Yuk!
Environmental Books by SEJ Members (2007 and earlier)
SEJ members' non-fiction and fiction books published in 2007 or earlier.
Environmental Books Recommended by SEJ Members
Some of SEJ members' favorite reference books.
New Science Clarifies NO2 Health Effects
EPA reviews its health-based standard for NO2 as an air pollutant, and has issued a science assessment of health effects.
Environmental Fiction Books: SEJ Members' Favorites and More
Here's a list of environmental fiction books SEJ members and others have enjoyed as a change of pace from "just the facts." Includes a section for kids.
Beijing Shrouded in Haze
States Shift Work Schedules to Save Energy
Utah governor Jon Huntsman announced that state agencies will move to a four-day workweek (10 hours/day, with mandatory three-day weekends) in order to save energy, reduce vehicle miles traveled in the state, and address climate change and air pollution.
EPA Proposes Water Efficiency Standard
EPA is developing a voluntary water efficiency standard for new single-family homes and townhomes.