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More Social Media Tools Strengthen Coverage Of The Environment



 Media aren't what-or where- they used to be, especially when it comes to news.

As an example, look at May 12, 2008, when in the wee hours of the morning (by U.S. reckoning) users of the popular social media service Twitter broke the news of a major earthquake centered in Chengdu, China, three minutes before the U.S. Geological Survey earthquake reporting site posted its announcement.

The Biz: Lost In A Digital World? What's A "Print Journalist" To Do?



"Print reporter."
For years – make that decades – it was a term I applied to myself with honor.
I figured I'd take it to the grave with me, there being no finer epitaph.

Now, dem's fightin' words. Insulting, disparaging, or, at the very least, anachronistic.

Health Care Journos Call for End to Saddam-Style "Minders"

The Association of Health Care Journalists wrote the Obama administration asking it to end the practice of making reporters go through public affairs offices to arrange interviews with federal experts and, in some cases, having public affairs people monitor those interviews.

Groups Call On EPA To Settle Suit, Restore TRI

Hundreds of civic groups and individuals called on EPA March 1, 2009, to restore the Toxics Release Inventory to its former usefulness for informing people of what toxic chemicals companies are releasing into their air, water, and land.

Ten Good Things on the EPA Web Site

There is a lot of useful government information that is freely available to journalists and the public online. Here are some examples from EPA that can be the building blocks of great stories.

Commerce Seeks Wildlife Leakers

A Bush-appointed holdover inspector general has teamed up with an ultraconservative Senator in a "plumber" operation aimed at punishing agency employees who revealed attempts to gut the Endangered Species Act via "midnight regulations."

Federal Polluters Get New Chance To Sway EPA In Secret



It seems improbable — a regulatory agency officially inviting polluters to secretly influence the scientific judgments it uses in crafting cleanup plans. But it happened earlier this year.

And it's likely to have impacts in the communities you cover, especially if they're facing pollution threats from a nearby military base or a Department of Energy or NASA facility.

SEJ Builds For More And Better Coverage Of Climate Change Story



No story dominates environmental news coverage these days like climate change. To be sure, there still are pressing environmental issues that have little or nothing to do with climate, such as human exposure to toxic chemicals. Butclimate affects so much of the natural and human world that it encompasses—or at least connects with— many of the traditional environmental stories reporters have covered for years, including fisheries, energy, endangered species and pollution, to name just a handful.

A Fresh Perspective On Climate Change: The Impacts At Home

      An Interview With Beth Daley of  The Boston Globe


Beth Daley began her Journalistic career 19 year ago at the Newburyport Daily News in
northern Massachusetts.  In 1994, she joined The Boston Globe, where she has covered breaking news
and features and was the education reporter before moving to the environment beat in 2001.
