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North American Toxics Data Released

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation, which is a joint effort of Canada, the US, and Mexico, released on June 10, 2009, its annual report tracking and comparing toxic emissions.

EPA To Announce Proposed NO2 Standard

After several years of preparatory work, EPA is expected to announce by June 26, 2009, its proposed primary standard for one of the six "criteria" air pollutants, nitrogen dioxide.

"Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake Fears"

Advanced geothermal technology -- deep drilling to fracture rock far underground -- threatens to cause earthquakes when deployed along faults. The Energy Department is funding private firms to try such projects in the U.S.
Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2009

"Ford, Nissan and Tesla Awarded $8 Billion"

"The Department of Energy has released the first third of its $25 billion advanced technology loan fund for automakers to 'create thousands of green jobs while helping reduce the nation's dangerous dependence on foreign oil.'
Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2009
