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"Genetically Engineered Corn Causes Concern"

The agricultural giant, Syngenta, has petitioned the USDA to grant its new genetically modified corn a non-regulated status. Some experts fear that the strain, meant solely for producing ethanol, could end up in the food supply.
Source: Living on Earth, 07/20/2009

"Outbreak of Fungus Threatens Tomato Crop"

"A highly contagious fungus that destroys tomato plants has quickly spread to nearly every state in the Northeast and the mid-Atlantic, and the weather over the next week may determine whether the outbreak abates or whether tomato crops are ruined."
Source: NYTimes, 07/20/2009

Fishing for Solutions for Poisoned Trinity River

An abandoned river -- the Trinity -- runs through Dallas. Storms wash old industrial poisons into it via ditches. As poisons accumulated in its sediments, fish became dangerous to eat. "So people stayed away, and over time, it no longer mattered which came first -- the toxic fish or the abandoned river."
Source: Dallas News, 07/20/2009

"Thousands Flee Western Canadian Wildfires"

Winds are whipping up wildfires in a British Columbia community where housing subdivisions have encroached on surrounding forests in recent years. Thousands of people are being evacuated from their homes.
Source: Reuters, 07/20/2009

"Clinton Prepares To Sign India Nuke Deal"

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to India will bring a $10-billion deal to sell U.S. nuclear reactors to that country -- but probably not break the impasse on whether India will join other nations trying to limit greenhouse emissions.
Source: AP, 07/20/2009
