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"Northeaster Adds to Misery, Dumping Rain and Snow"

"A northeaster threatened to unravel progress made since Hurricane Sandy ravaged the New York area, delivering a second angry serving of howling wind and high water on Wednesday in places where misery and frustration had yet to recede."

Source: NY Times, 11/08/2012

"Climate Heroes" Make Gains at Polls

Voters in most cases Tuesday elected candidates supported by environmentalists for their positions on climate change and clean energy. The list of "Climate Heroes 2012" was drawn up by a coalition called "Citizens Determined to Elect Clean Energy Champions." The coalition was led by people like Bill McKibben. Below are results for candidates listed as "Climate Heroes."

Source: Seattle Times, 11/07/2012

Flat Earth Five Take Heavy Hits in Voting

Five House members targetted by the League of Conservation Voters for their denial of climate change took heavy hits in Tuesday's election. Defeated were Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY 24), Francisco Canseco (R-TX 23), and Joe Walsh (R-IL 8). The races for two others, Dan Benishek (R-MI 1) and Dan Lungren (R-CA 7) remained too close to call late into the evening.

Source: Wall St. Journal, 11/07/2012
