"September Tied Global Heat Record: U.S. Government Scientists"

"Last month tied for the warmest September in the global modern record, scientists at the U.S. government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported on Monday."

"This September tied with the same month in 2005 for the record. The land-and-sea global average temperature was 60.21 F (15.67 C), or 1.21 F (.67 C) above the 20th century average.

In addition to being hottest since 1880, the month was the 36th consecutive September and 331st consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average.

The last time September temperatures were below that average was 1976, and the last time any month was below that average was February 1985, NOAA scientists said in a statement."

Deborah Zabarenko reports for Reuters October 16, 2012.


"State of the Climate Global Analysis September 2012" (NOAA)

Source: Reuters, 10/16/2012