Water & Oceans

"Dry Pastures Force Texas Ranchers To Slaughter Ever More Cows

"With almost all of Texas in drought, ranchers are sending ever more cattle off to slaughter, a trend likely to increase beef prices over the long term due to dwindling supply from the largest cattle region in the United States."

Source: Reuters, 08/25/2022

"On Chile Rivers, Native Spirituality And Development Clash"

"Mist suddenly arose from the Truful Truful River as it flowed below the snow-covered Llaima volcano, and Victor Curin smiled at the sun-dappled water spray. A leader in one of the Indigenous communities by the river’s shores in the Chilean Andes, Curin took it as a sign that the waterfall’s ngen — its owner and protector spirit — approved of his visit and prayer that mid-July morning."

Source: AP, 08/24/2022

"Jordan River, Jesus' Baptism Site, Is Today Barely a Trickle"

"Kristen Burckhartt felt overwhelmed. She needed time to reflect, to let it sink in that she had just briefly soaked her feet in the water where Jesus is said to have been baptized, in the Jordan River. ... Physically, the Lower Jordan River of today is a lot more meager than mighty."

Source: AP, 08/23/2022

"Polio Has Been Found In The U.S. Here’s What To Know."

"In July, a 20-year-old man from Rockland County, N.Y., was diagnosed with polio, a disabling and potentially deadly disease that had been considered eliminated in the United States. The infected man was unvaccinated and had not traveled overseas during the period when he could have been exposed to the virus, suggesting he contracted it in this country."

Source: Washington Post, 08/23/2022


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