Water & Oceans

Fill Your Plate With Chicken Stories

Chicken production in the United States is a colossal industry controlled by a few vertically integrated companies. On a much smaller scale, it’s also heritage breeds and increasingly popular backyard flocks. As the latest avian flu outbreak makes headlines, journalist Christine Heinrichs looks at environmental reporting opportunities related to poultry pathogens, pollution and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Drought Frontlines: Mexican Communities Strive To Save Every Drop Of Water

"Sixteen Indigenous Zapotec communities in Mexico have created over 579 water infrastructure projects, including absorption wells, small dams and water pans, to conserve water in the Oaxaca Valley – a region impacted by recurrent droughts."

Source: Mongabay, 09/08/2022

"Bird Flu Found in Dolphin in Florida and Porpoise in Sweden"

"A bottlenose dolphin found dead in a Florida canal this past spring tested positive for a highly virulent strain of bird flu, scientists said on Wednesday. The announcement came a week after Swedish officials reported that they had found the same type of avian influenza in a stranded porpoise."

Source: NYTimes, 09/08/2022

"EPA Leader: Jackson Needs ‘Fair Share’ Of Money To Fix Water"

"The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday that he wants Mississippi’s capital city to receive “its fair share” of federal money to repair a troubled water system that left homes and businesses without running water for several days."

Source: AP, 09/08/2022
September 21, 2022

Ocean Encounters: Heatwaves! Extreme Heat on Land — and in the Ocean

Join the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the next installment in its virtual Ocean Encounters series. Speakers will discuss the links between the atmosphere and ocean, why heat waves are on the rise and what it means for our ocean planet. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET.

October 23, 2023 to October 26, 2023

Science Journalism Forum

The fourth annual SJF is a virtual global event where science journalists, writers, publishers, scientists, students and academia can share new ideas and thoughts in science journalism — and pitch story ideas to the world’s top editors. SEJ members get 50% off tickets. Attendance fellowships available.


"Group Seeks Endangered Species Protection For West Coast Bull Kelp"

"An environmental group is seeking Endangered Species Act protections for underwater forests of bull kelp along the West Coast." "Bull kelp is critical to Oregon coastal ecosystems that historically supported sea otters, urchins and sunflower sea stars."

Source: OPB, 09/07/2022


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