
Groups Worry About Drilling Politics Trumping Science at Interior

"Greenpeace and the Center for Biological Diversity have asked the Department of the Interior to look into whether the recent suspension of a biologist violates rules meant to protect scientific research from political interference.

The news of the suspension has prompted widespread debate, with environmental groups alleging a connection to plans to drill oil in the Arctic reserve.

Source: Greenwire, 08/08/2011

Arctic Scientist Who Exposed Climate Threat To Polar Bear Is Suspended

The Interior Department scientist who first warned of climate change as a threat to polar bears in a 5-year-old peer-reviewed paper has been suspended. The Obama administration has been accused of hounding him so it can open up the fragile Arctic to drilling by Shell and other companies.

Source: Guardian, 07/29/2011
January 16, 2012 to January 19, 2012

World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi

Every year, WFES gathers world leaders, international policy makers, industry leaders, investors, experts, academia, intellectuals and journalists to find practical and sustainable solutions for today's energy security, climate change challenges and the advancement of clean technology. The upcoming 5th edition of the event in Abu Dhabi will promote innovation and investment opportunities surrounding alternative energy, clean technology and environment.


Environmental Health Perspectives

EHP is a world-renowned, peer-reviewed research journal with a news section. It's published monthly by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, with select translations for subscribers in China, Brazil, Mexico and Chile.


As Record Heat Fries Oklahoma, Inhofe Bails on Climate Denier Rally

"As record-shattering heat cripples Oklahoma, Sen. Jim ('global warming is a hoax') Inhofe (R-OK) failed to show for an fossil-industry-funded climate denial conference. A shrinking band of far-right economists, lawyers, and a few scientists have gathered in Washington, DC, for the Heartland Institute’s Sixth International Conference on Climate Change, funded, like Inhofe himself, by Koch Industries and Exxon Mobil. Inhofe was scheduled to be the denier conference’s keynote speaker, but he bailed out, explaining appropriately that he is 'under the weather'"

Source: Think Progress, 07/01/2011

"American Climate Skeptic Soon Funded By Oil, Coal Firms"

"Willie Soon, a U.S. climate change skeptic who has also discounted the health risks of mercury emissions from coal, has received more than $1 million in funding in recent years from large energy companies and an oil industry group, according to Greenpeace."

Source: Reuters, 06/29/2011


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