
SEJ Urges EPA To Make Science More Open to News Media

In formal comments on EPA's August 5, 2011, draft Scientific Integrity Policy, submitted September 2, SEJ recommended that EPA adopt portions of a model policy drafted by the Union of Concerned Scientists in addition to affirming that "media have a right to interact with EPA staff, including scientists, without having agency staff and/or political minders listening in or otherwise taking part."

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Research Skewers Claim That Clouds Cause Climate Change"

"Taking on controversial claims that clouds are a main driver of temperature changes across the globe, a Texas A&M University atmospheric scientist finds evidence of cherry picking and errors. New findings published Tuesday appear to undermine a controversial study - oft-cited by those who downplay the human impacts of climate change - that claimed variations in cloud cover are driving temperature changes across the globe."

Source: Daily Climate, 09/07/2011

"Cool Climate Paper Sinks Journal Editor"

"The editor of the journal Remote Sensing resigned [Friday], saying in an editorial that his journal never should have published a controversial paper in July that challenged the reliability of climate models used to forecast global warming. The paper, by Roy Spencer and William Braswell of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, proposed that climate researchers have likely made a fundamental error by overestimating the sensitivity of the climate to greenhouse-gas pollution."

Source: Nature, 09/05/2011
September 20, 2011

TSCA Reform Webinar Series: Hazard, Use, and Exposure Data

This free Environmental Law Institute teleconference will explore topics such as the scope of EPA authority to require information and data, including on new chemicals such as nanomaterials; testing, including mutual acceptance of data and emerging methodologies; and the role of downstream users of chemicals. RSVP by September 16th.


"GAO Faults EPA's 'Fragmented and Largely Uncoordinated' Research"

"U.S. EPA still hasn't implemented 20-year-old recommendations to improve the management of its laboratories, leaving the agency's research and technical activities "fragmented and largely uncoordinated," the Government Accountability Office has found. The problems could impede EPA's ability to handle upcoming budget cuts as Congress looks for ways to reduce spending and pay down the deficit, the watchdog agency says.""

Source: Greenwire, 08/30/2011

NASA Takes a Pass on Scientific Integrity Policy Improvement

An Aug. 5, 2011, NASA memo says the agency's existing policies are so good they don't need improving — yet the policies do not offer any clear guarantee that reporters can talk to NASA scientists without permission and supervision from the public affairs office.

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