
September 14, 2012 to September 15, 2012

Homburg Academy Summer Institutes International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Real Estate

An inter-disciplinary conference to promote new perspectives and innovation in the urban environment in a global context.


"Source of Mysterious Pumice 'Raft' in Pacific Found, NASA Says"

"The source of an enormous floating mass of pumice spotted this week in the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of New Zealand has been discovered: NASA satellite images and other sleuthing science have pinpointed an erupting undersea volcano called the Havre Seamount as the culprit."

Source: LiveScience, 08/15/2012

Climate Models That Predict More Droughts Gain Scientific Support

"The United States will suffer a series of severe droughts in the next two decades, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Moreover, global warming will play an increasingly important role in their abundance and severity, claims Aiguo Dai, the study’s author."

Source: Wash Post, 08/14/2012

"Feds Conclude Probe Of Polar Bear Scientists"

"A federal investigation into two researchers who wrote a famous report on drowned polar bears is finally over, according to their lawyer. But the scientists still haven't been allowed to see a copy of the investigation report or its conclusions, says attorney Jeff Ruch of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility."

Source: NPR, 08/14/2012

"Jerry Brown Global Warming Website Takes On Climate Change Deniers"

"Noting the occasion of the 15th annual Lake Tahoe Summit, a conference examining the environmental and developmental issues affecting the iconic alpine region straddling the California and Nevada borders, California Governor Jerry Brown announced the launch of a website dedicated to combating skeptics of climate change.

Source: Huffington Post, 08/14/2012

"The Great Disposal Service: Can It Last?"

"The earth is performing an enormous disposal service for the human race. About half of the carbon we are dumping into the atmosphere does not stay there and is instead taken up by the oceans and land. Were this not the case, scientists say, the earth would probably be warming far more rapidly. One of the biggest questions in climate science is: How long will that disposal service last?"

Source: Green/NYT, 08/02/2012

"Is the Natural Gas Industry Buying Academics?"

"Last week the University of Texas provost announced he would re-examine a report by a UT professor that said fracking was safe for groundwater after the revelation that the professor pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Texas natural gas developer. It's the latest fusillade in the ongoing battle over the basic facts of fracking in America."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/30/2012

"'Converted' Skeptic: Humans Driving Recent Warming"

"Richard Muller, a cantankerous but creative physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, who once derided climate change research, then dove in with his own reconstruction of terrestrial temperature changes and confirmed substantial warming, has now concluded that recent warming is 'almost entirely' human caused."

Source: Dot Earth, 07/30/2012


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