
"Obama, Romney Duel Over Climate Change in Online Debate"

Science is at the heart of some key policy issues dividing Republicans and Democrats. Presidential candidates Obama and Romney may never square off in person on TV over scientific issues like climate. But through "Science Debate 2012," they are addressing them in writing online. Is that good enough?

Source: LA Times, 09/05/2012

"Budget Cuts Delay Research for Enbridge Pipeline Approval"

"While Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the fate of Enbridge’s proposed pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to tankers on the British Columbia coast will be based on science and not politics, documents show some of that science isn’t forthcoming. And critics say there is no time for the science to be completed before a federal deadline for the environmental assessment currently underway."

Source: Canadian Press, 08/20/2012
September 18, 2012 to September 20, 2012

Climate Change Adaptation Forum Focusing on Food Security and Traditional Plant Use

This forum is for community‐level practitioners, academics, government representatives and community leaders who work in the area of climate change adaptation in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities in Canada and Tribes in the United States.



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