
"Study Ties Global Warming ‘Hiatus’ to Pacific Cooldown"

"Scientists probing the mystery of the so-called 'global warming hiatus' may have made a breakthrough. According to a new study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, a persistent area of unusually cool sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean could explain why, despite ever-increasing amounts of manmade greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, global average surface temperatures have increased at a slower rate during the past 15 years."

Source: Climate Central, 08/29/2013

"Foes of Obama Climate Policy Prepare Battle Over Cost of Carbon"

"Three months ago, the Obama administration made a little-noticed but potentially pivotal move in the stepped-up fight against climate change: it boosted the U.S. government's official estimate of the future economic damage caused by carbon pollution."

Source: Reuters, 08/21/2013

Berkeley Prof Who Questioned Atrazine's Safety Loses Lab Financing

"The University of California at Berkeley cut laboratory financing this week for a professor who has complained for years about corporate-led retaliation for his association of health risks with a widely used herbicide."  The herbicide is atrazine.

Source: Chronicle of Higher Education, 08/16/2013
June 1, 2020

DEADLINE: Society for Neuroscience Science Journalism Student Award

This award enables students pursuing a science or medical journalism degree to attend the SfN annual meeting. Receive complimentary meeting registration, four nights’ lodging, $750 for expenses and a mentor who is an experienced professional journalist covering the annual meeting. Deadline is Jun 1.

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