
"Lyondell Leaves Kalamazoo Poisoned as Bankruptcies Mar Cleanups"

"Environmentalist Jeff Spoelstra says an 80-mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River that runs through toxin-laced land in southwestern Michigan was on its way to becoming safe again. ...Then, in January 2009, Lyondell Chemical Co. filed for bankruptcy protection. The Houston-based petrochemical giant argued in court that as it reorganized, it could avoid what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said were about $2.5 billion in cleanup costs...."

Source: Bloomberg, 04/07/2010

Maryland Sues Mirant Over Water Pollution from Coal-Ash Landfill

"Alleging that a Brandywine landfill is discharging toxic pollutants into local waterways, the Maryland Department of the Environment filed suit against the site's operator Friday in federal court. ... The landfill stores the waste byproducts of coal combustion from Mirant's Chalk Point Generating Plant in Aquasco."

Source: Gaithersburg Gazette, 04/06/2010

"Strapped Cities Struggling to Fund Water Treatment Upgrades"

The bad economy is thwarting municipalities trying to upgrade their sewage treatment plants to comply with the Clean Water Act. "Chris Hornback, senior director of regulatory affairs for the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), said factory closings typically hit smaller communities harder than larger communities where larger numbers of users can make up for lost revenue more easily."

Source: Greenwire, 03/31/2010

Senate Trio's Climate Bill Said To Hide Info on Fracking Poisons

A March 23, 2010, Greenwire article reports that the draft Kerry-Lieberman-Graham climate bill may include language to keep potentially toxic ingredients from gas drilling secret from the public whose health may be harmed by them.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 22, 2010

U of Toronto's Centre for Environment Research Day

On Earth Day, the University of Toronto will host a free presentation of research conducted by members of its Centre for Environment.



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