Natural Resources

Covering 'America’s Best Idea' — National Park Stories Near You

The system of national parks in the United States contains hundreds of units, and many more stories near you ... if you just know where to start. This week’s TipSheet offers six key issues likely to come up at nearby parks, plus three dozen resources to help track down your local angle.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Often Misunderstood Estuaries Underpin Environment’s Health

The estuaries that proliferate across the United States can be hard to define — and protect. But their role in a healthy environment makes them a crucial focus of good reporting. The latest Issue Backgrounder explores their importance, the many challenges they face, and how to track the agencies and programs meant to protect them.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Tracking Troubled Waters with ‘Endangered Rivers’ List

A running list of endangered rivers becomes an annual starting point for strong local coverage of critical water issues. This week’s TipSheet spotlights the latest additions to an inventory of trouble spots around the United States, plus key angles and issues for coverage, and a selection of top resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Great Lakes Offer Great Stories to Reporters in the Know

The Great Lakes are not only the largest fresh water system in the world, supplying drinking water to tens of millions. They also face a range of environmental woes that make them ready fodder for reporters. This week’s TipSheet runs down some ongoing developments, plus key resources to cover them.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Hotting Up: How Climate Change Could Swallow Louisiana's Tabasco Island

"Avery Island, a dome of salt fringed by marshes where Tabasco sauce has been made for the past 150 years, has been an outpost of stubborn consistency near the Louisiana coast. But the state is losing land to the seas at such a gallop that even its seemingly impregnable landmarks are now threatened."

Source: Guardian, 03/28/2018

"Fishermen Suit Against Atlantic Marine Monument Moves Ahead"

"Organizations suing to eliminate the first national marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean have gotten the OK to proceed with a suit designed to reopen the area to commercial fishing, which environmentalists fear could jeopardize preservation efforts."

Source: AP, 03/28/2018

Zinke Creates Outdoor Recreation Panel Made Mostly Of Industry Advisers

"Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has appointed 15 representatives of the outdoor recreation industry to advise him on how to operate public lands, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post, including three people whom department officials flagged as potentially having a conflict of interest on the matter."

Source: Washington Post, 03/27/2018
November 1, 2025 to November 9, 2025

Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival

This festival takes place each fall in Banff, Alberta, Canada, with stories of remote journeys, ground-breaking expeditions and cutting-edge adventures told through the eyes of adventurers, authors, photographers and filmmakers worldwide. Enter one of three competitions for a chance to have your work featured at the festival.



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