Natural Resources

Senate Votes To Raise Revenue By Drilling In Arctic Wildlife Refuge

"The Senate rejected an amendment Thursday that sought to block a key panel from raising revenue through drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a move that could make it easier for future oil and gas drilling to take place there."

Source: Washington Post, 10/20/2017

"National Monuments: Over 350 Parks Retirees Bash Zinke Review"

"More than 350 former National Park Service employees today disparaged Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's recommendations to reduce the acreage of a half-dozen national monuments and alter the management plans of others. They also criticized the agency as 'utterly unconscionable' for failing to release a public report following its review of those sites."

Source: Greenwire, 10/18/2017

Trump’s Mine-Safety Nominee Ran Coal Firm Cited for Safety Violations

"Records show the coal mining company formerly run by David Zatezalo retaliated against a foreman who complained of harassment and unsafe conditions."

"The coal mining company run by President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the nation’s top mining regulator has already come under criticism for weaknesses in its safety record. It turns out the company was also found by the government to have illegally retaliated against a foreman who complained about sexual and ethnic harassment from supervisors, unsafe conditions and drug use at one of its mines.

Source: ProPublica, 10/18/2017

Interior Works Covert Land Swap To Allow Road Through AK Wildlife Refuge

"The Interior Department is preparing to set aside a decades-old ban on development in federally protected wilderness areas by pursuing a controversial proposal to build a nearly 12-mile road through a wildlife refuge in ­Alaska.

Source: Washington Post, 10/16/2017

Louisiana’s Sinking Parishes Sue Fossil Fuel Firms Over Climate Damage

"Several Louisiana parishes—the equivalent of counties in other states—have filed lawsuits alleging hundreds of fossil fuel companies violated their coastal use permits by failing to clean up pollution and by failing to restore the marsh wetlands to their original condition. The suits seek to recover “damages, restoration costs and actual restoration.”"

Source: Climate Liability News, 10/11/2017


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