SEJ Awards: 2025 FAQs
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SEJ Awards Categories:
"During a summer’s afternoon in 2022, a 450-foot fireball exploded at a liquefied natural gas terminal south of Houston, rocking sunbathers on Quintana Beach, adjacent to the Freeport LNG terminal, and rattling homes for miles around. Eighteen months later, residents around the plant have yet to receive any information directly from Freeport LNG about what caused the explosion, or what to do if it were to happen again ... ."
"In a first-of-its-kind lawsuit filed last week, the New York Attorney General accused JBS USA—the American arm of the world’s largest meatpacking company—of “fraudulent and illegal environmental marketing practices” surrounding its claims of sustainability."
"Report for America subsidizes salaries for journalists-in-training at hundreds of newspapers. Its leaders no longer want to help media investors they say are undermining the news business."
"A photojournalist lost her case against North Dakota officials over her arrest while covering a Dakota Access Pipeline protest in 2017."
"The Supreme Court is once again weighing legal challenges with potential ramifications for the global fight against climate change." "Justices heard first arguments last week on legal challenges to laws passed by Florida and Texas that could make it harder for social media companies to curb misinformation."
Meet SEJ member Jocelyn Tabancay Duffy! Jocelyn is an environmental journalist and video producer based in Oakland, CA. Her work has been featured on The Guardian, NBC, The Intercept, Nexus Media News, KALW, and PBS. She is currently working on documentaries exploring natural gas and plastics' impact on human health.