Journalism & Media

"Scientists Challenge Magazine Story About ‘Uninhabitable Earth’"

"The temptation to paint a dire picture of climate change, at a time when the Trump administration seems bent on questioning a widely accepted body of climate science and withdrawing from international agreements, is clear. But the picture still has to be plausible and accurate, a number of scientists argued this week in response to a lengthy article in New York Magazine."

Source: Washington Post, 07/13/2017

Biotech Industry Cultivates Positive Media — and Discourages Criticism

"In April 2016, Monica Eng of WBEZ, Chicago’s NPR station, published a critical story revealing that the agrichemical giant Monsanto had quietly paid a professor at the University of Illinois to travel, write, and speak about genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and even to lobby federal officials to halt further GMO regulation."

Source: Progressive, 07/12/2017
October 15, 2017

DEADLINE: Society for Ecological Restoration Photo Contest

SER's photo contest will award prizes in five categories: Restoration Before/After, Restoration in Action, Flora and Fauna, Ecosystems and Human Dimensions of Restoration. Enter by Oct 15, 2017.

Topics on the Beat: 
August 15, 2017

DEADLINE: Science of Innovation Summit for Journalists

The Science of Innovation Summit for Journalists at the University of Chicago, Nov 5-8, 2017, offers professional science and technology journalists a respite from deadlines and insight into pressing subjects, such as climate and energy science, the microbiome, advanced batteries, precision medicine and more. Includes lodging, meals and stipend. Apply by Aug 15.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Trump’s ‘Energy Dominance’ Push Ignores Some Important Realities"

"Mainstream experts in energy policy and finance reacted skeptically to the White House's carefully orchestrated energy policy hootenanny this week, as President Donald Trump and his Cabinet declared what he called 'a golden age of American energy dominance.'"

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/30/2017

"Watchdog Group Sues EPA To Access Communications With Icahn"

"A U.S. watchdog group filed a lawsuit in a federal court on Tuesday to force the Environmental Protection Agency to release communications with billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who it says tried to influence biofuels policy for personal gain."

Source: Reuters, 06/28/2017


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