Journalism & Media

Closure of Civilian Conservation Centers Ignites Controversy

A decades-old environmental jobs program that provided work for thousands of disadvantaged young people across more than a dozen states has been hit with one of the largest federal downsizings in a decade. Find out how the closing of some Civilian Conservation Centers may be a story near you, from the latest TipSheet.

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White House Blocked Agency’s Written Testimony On Climate Change

"White House officials barred a State Department intelligence agency from submitting written testimony this week to the House Intelligence Committee warning that human-caused climate change is “possibly catastrophic.” The move came after State officials refused to excise the document’s references to federal scientific findings on climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2019
July 1, 2023

DEADLINE: Global Youth & News Media Prize

Educators and news organizations will be honored by a special Press Freedom Teaching Award in the 2023 edition of the Global Youth & News Media Prize. Deadline is Jul 1, 2023.


"AP Fact Check: Trump Didn’t Set Records On Clean Air in US"

"President Donald Trump is getting his facts wrong when it comes to clean air in the U.S. In remarks Wednesday with Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, he insisted the U.S. has the “cleanest air in the world” and is “setting records environmentally.” That’s not the case. The Obama administration set the records for clean air in 2016, and air quality under Trump has worsened since then."

Source: AP, 06/06/2019

FED Tool Tracks Pollution on Federal Lands

A revamped Reporter’s Toolbox begins today with a new focus on data resources for environmental journalists. The now biweekly column starts with a look at a massive database designed for federal land managers that reporters can use to scan dozens of pollution data sets about air quality and more in parks, forests and other federal lands.

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