#SEJSpotlight: Valerie Vande Panne, Managing Editor, Native News Online
This team, with grants from SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism, has produced several hundred print, multimedia and online stories, including comprehensive features co-published with The New York Times.
SEJ’s Fund for Environmental Journalism (FEJ) invests in top quality public service reporting on environment-related issues, and the journalists who produce it. Foundation grants have made it possible for SEJ to underwrite projects proposed by news organizations. See the projects here.
"Josh Edelson has shot some of the most iconic images of increasing destructive wildfires. Earther spoke with him about his work."
"A push for a Europe-wide ban on advertising and sponsorship by fossil fuel companies is the boldest salvo yet in a campaign by environmentalists who accuse oil firms of "greenwashing" and a history of undermining climate change science."
The Nina Mason Pulliam Award for the "best of the best" environmental reporting will award $10,000 to one entry selected from the first-place winners of SEJ's Awards for Reporting on the Environment. The prize also includes travel, registration and hotel expenses (up to $2,500) for the winner, or representatives of the winning team, to attend SEJ's annual conference. All SEJ Awards first-place winners are automatically entered into the Nina Mason Pulliam Award.
The launch of NASA’s new Landsat Earth-observing satellite is a reminder to reporters that millions of images from over five decades can help unearth many environmental trends, whether deforestation, coastal erosion, suburban sprawl or wildfire impacts. The new Reporter’s Toolbox explains how the service works and how to access the resource, along with examples of prize-winning stories.
It sometimes feels like journalists lurch from one catastrophe (or hurricane, flood, wildfire, heat wave) to the next. But that can mean missing the bigger story: Disasters, increasingly linked to climate extremes, are often interlocking events, in which one system failure causes the next and the next. The latest Backgrounder explores three case studies, and how news media can focus attention on steps toward resilience.