Environmental Politics

Tracking Regulatory Changes Reveals Insights Into Presidential Power Over Environment

Sweeping, data-driven reporting on the impact of the Trump White House on environment policy won high praise for a Washington Post reporting team that took first prize for beat reporting in the most recent Society of Environmental Journalists’ reporting awards. Find out how award winners Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis and John Muyskens approached this vast topic, in the new Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

UN Ocean Treaty Is ‘Once In A Lifetime’ Chance To Protect The High Seas

"The world has a “once in a lifetime” chance to protect the high seas from exploitation, warned scientists and environmentalists, as negotiators meet at the UN headquarters in New York this week to hammer out a new treaty on the oceans."

Source: Guardian, 03/11/2022

Biden Taps Expert To Head EPA’s Air Office As It Tackles Climate Rules

"President Biden on Tuesday nominated Joseph Goffman to lead the Environmental Protection Agency’s air office, elevating a seasoned expert on the nation’s environmental laws and setting up a tough confirmation battle in the narrowly divided Senate."

Source: Washington Post, 03/09/2022

"US Officials Reverse Course On Pesticide’s Harm To Wildlife"

"U.S. wildlife officials reversed their previous finding that a widely used and highly toxic pesticide could jeopardize dozens of plants and animals with extinction, after receiving pledges from chemical manufacturers that they will change product labels for malathion so that it’s used more carefully by gardeners, farmers and other consumers."

Source: AP, 03/09/2022

"Environmental Groups Press California On Electric Car Rules"

"More than 80 environmental groups and other organizations on Monday urged California Governor Gavin Newsom to impose tougher rules promoting electric vehicles even as the state is moving faster than President Joe Biden's administration."

Source: Reuters, 03/08/2022


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