Environmental Politics

Climate Crisis May Quickly Confront U.S., World With National Security Threats

The climate-security nexus has drawn attention from the Biden administration, but less so elsewhere, even as security experts worry about climate change as a threat multiplier that can exacerbate other causes of conflict. Our new Backgrounder explores these concerns, with a look at how the issue has played out in recent U.S. politics. Plus, seven global regions where climate change may worsen ongoing conflict.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Biden Touts $1 Billion In Funding For Great Lakes Cleanup In Ohio Trip

"President Biden visited Ohio on Thursday to tout $1 billion in funding from the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed last year that will be used to clean and restore environmentally degraded sites around the Great Lakes, a major source of drinking water in the region."

Source: Washington Post, 02/18/2022

"AP Fact Check: Biden Takes Half-Steps on Electric Vehicles"

"Eager to show benefits from his policies, President Joe Biden is overstating the number of electric vehicle charging stations that would be built with his infrastructure law and claiming a speedy shift to electric in the federal fleet that isn’t so."

Source: AP, 02/16/2022


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