Environmental Health

"Children’s Lead Levels ‘Significantly’ Higher in Cherryvale, Kan."

"CHERRYVALE, Kan. — Recent lead levels among children tested in a southeast Kansas town that was home to a zinc smelter were 'significantly' higher than statewide and national levels, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment."

Source: AP, 05/19/2014

"N.C. Bill Would Make It a Felony To Disclose Fracking Chemicals"

"People who disclose confidential information about hydraulic fracturing chemicals in North Carolina would be subject to criminal penalties and civil damages, under a bill in the state Legislature."

Source: EnergyWire, 05/19/2014
June 11, 2014

Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Management: A Foundation for Corporate Compliance Assurance & Sustainability (an ELI Professional Practice Seminar)

Join the Environmental Law Institute and top Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) experts for a lively seminar in Washington, DC (and via teleconference) on the importance of managing risk; integrating EHS management systems into a company’s culture; and ensuring that sustainability goals and EHS management systems work together to drive compliance and manage performance.


"Panel To Study at Agent Orange Residue Exposure"

"The Veterans Affairs Department has long resisted disability claims from service members who said chemical residue left in Vietnam War-era planes that were used to spray defoliants over Southeast Asia caused them severe illnesses, including cancer. This summer, a panel of independent scientists will try to determine whether those veterans could have been exposed to the toxins in defoliants, including Agent Orange, at a level that would be dangerous to their health."

Source: AP, 05/15/2014

Baker Hughes Vows To Disclose Frack Chemicals. Will Others?

It may be good PR. Baker Hughes has not only been a leader in oilfield technology, but has also been a leader in the inexact science of producing benign media coverage. The company says it will disclose the identities of all the chemicals it uses, but not the exact amounts or proportions. This move might also be a shrewd way of getting a jump on the inevitable, ahead of possible EPA mandatory disclosure requirements.

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