Environmental Health

Philly Schools Block a Federal Study After Health Risks Are Exposed

"The crisis-wracked School District of Philadelphia has quietly abandoned a federal agency’s plans for further study of environmental-health risks in its aging school buildings. An initial review found pervasive dampness, mold or water damage — conditions that may aggravate asthma and other respiratory ailments — but the District has refused to make the complete findings public."

Source: Philadelphia City Paper, 05/09/2014

Stillbirths Higher in Areas Hit By Hurricanes Katrina And Rita: Study

"A new statistical review of stillbirths that occurred in Louisiana after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita show they occurred more frequently in areas suffering the worst damage to individual homes, including Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Vermilion parishes, according to a peer-reviewed study published Thursday (May 8)."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/09/2014

"Can a Pope Help Sustain Humanity and Ecology?"

"VATICAN CITY — For four long days, several dozen physical, environmental and social scientists hunkered here with theologians, philosophers, economists and a poverty campaigner to explore ways to balance human ambitions with the planet’s limits. The rare joint meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences — “Sustainable Humanity, Sustainable Nature, Our Responsibility” — helped demarcate where science leaves off and the rest of society, including organized religion, plays a role in shaping the quality of human life and environmental conditions in this century."

Source: Dot Earth, 05/07/2014

"Why Congress Can't Fix Our Crazy Chemical Safety System"

"How broken is the nation's chemical-safety system? Of the 80,000 or so chemicals currently used in commerce, the Environmental Protection Agency has only tested 200 since Congress gave the agency its marching orders nearly four decades ago. And of the 200 tested chemicals, only five have been banned or regulated."

Source: National Journal, 05/07/2014
June 3, 2014

DEADLINE: Scholarships to Attend and Cover EcoHealth 2014 Conference

Win one of eight scholarships to attend the 2014 EcoHealth Conference, Aug 11-15, 2014, in Montreal. Cover the panel sessions; meet and interview the researchers. Open to journalists worldwide who specialize in coverage of health and the environment. Apply by June 3rd.

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