Environmental Health

October 14, 2014

DEADLINE: The National Press Foundation 6th all-expenses-paid Cancer Issues program for journalists.

The National Press Foundation is accepting applications until Oct 14th for its 6th all-expenses-paid Cancer Issues program for journalists. The Cancer Issues 2014 program takes place December 7 – 10, 2014 at the NPF office in Washington, DC.

Topics on the Beat: 

Environmental Factors Affect Aging Brains

Researchers are finding increasing evidence that environmental factors -- ranging from exposure to toxic chemicals to physical and mental exercise -- can have important effects on aging brains. While older people may have a surprising capacity for neurological regeneration, chemical exposures (even exposures earlier in life) have been linked to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Source: EHP, 09/18/2014

"Group Pressures Foster Farms To Address Antibiotics"

After an outbreak of drug-resistant salmonella in 2013 was traced to Foster Farms chickens, the Natural Resources Defense Council used the Freedom of Information Act to get records of the firm's food-safety violations. As a result of the pressure, Foster Farms says it has cleaned up its act and is using less antibiotics.

Source: LA Times, 09/12/2014


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