Environmental Health

"Lead Poisoning Is Still A Public Health Crisis For African-Americans"

"Before Freddie Gray died of spinal injuries he received in police custody, sparking weeks of protest in his native Baltimore and around the country, he was a 'lead kid,' one of thousands of children in the city with toxic levels of lead in their blood from years of living in substandard housing -- and long-term health problems as a result."

Source: Huffington Post, 07/14/2015

Rural Poor Hit Hardest as Calif. Drought Makes Remaining Water Toxic

"For many Californians, the state’s long drought has meant small inconveniences such as shorter showers and restrictions on watering lawns. But in two rural valleys, the Coachella southeast of Los Angeles and the San Joaquin to the north, farmworkers and other poor residents are feeling its impact in a far more serious and personal way."

Source: Wash Post, 07/07/2015
August 7, 2015

DEADLINE: IRP Reporting Trip to Ecuador

The International Reporting Project (IRP) invites applications for an expenses-paid group reporting trip on health and development issues in Ecuador on October 18-29, 2015. Apply by Aug 7.

July 21, 2015

CDC's Climate Change and Health – From Science to Practice

The Centers for Disease Control's Public Health Grand Rounds offers an encore presentation of this event, online July 21, 2015 from 1-2pm EDT. This session will explore the wide-ranging health impact of our changing climate and discuss some of the strategies, programs and partnerships currently being used to confront the challenges associated with global climate change.

March 15, 2024

DEADLINE: IJNR Field Reporting Grants

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources is accepting proposals until Mar 15, 2024 for grants to help defray the costs of reporting projects that focus on natural resources, the environment, energy, development, agriculture, environmental justice and public health. Journalists of color and other underrepresented or minority journalists are strongly encouraged to apply.



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