Environmental Health

May 22, 2017

DEADLINE: NPF "Understanding Why Public Health Matters" Fellowship

Over four days, July 16-19, 2017 in Washington, D.C., journalists will learn the connection between chronic illness and social determinants such as housing, food security, livable wages and environmental quality. The National Press Foundation all-expenses-paid fellowship covers airfare, ground transportation, hotel costs and most meals. Apply by May 22.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Law: EPA Quietly Closes Complaint At Heart Of Civil Rights Suit"

"U.S. EPA closed a 14-year-old civil rights complaint against a landfill in a predominantly black community in Alabama last month, telling a federal court that legal challenges over its slow response to the case are moot."

Source: Greenwire, 05/12/2017

Puerto Rico Tap Water Violates Safety Standards, Green Group Says

"Problems continue to mount for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. To high unemployment, a lagging economy and billions in public debt, add unsafe drinking water to the island's list of woes. A new study by the Natural Resources Defense Council says nearly all of the tap water available on the island violates federal safety standards."

Source: NPR, 05/11/2017

Pesticide-Friendly Bill From Lepage Mirrors Model By Secretive ALEC

"[Maine] Gov. Paul LePage’s bill to take away municipal government’s ability to enact local pesticide ordinances closely mirrors a model bill written and promoted by a secretive national group that helps large national corporations ghost-write laws for sympathetic state legislators."

Source: Portland Press Herald, 05/10/2017

Outrage After Flint Sends Foreclosure Warnings Over Tainted-Water Bills

"Thousands of Flint, Mich., residents have been warned that they could lose their homes if they don’t pay outstanding water bills — even as the city has just begun replacing lead-tainted pipes after a contamination crisis linked to a dozen deaths."

Source: Washington Post, 05/05/2017


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