Environmental Health

Pruitt Vows To Speed U.S. Superfund Cleanups. Communities Wonder How.

"BRIDGETON, Mo. — Dawn Chapman had listened with surprise and skepticism as the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency vowed to clean up West Lake, the nuclear waste dump that has filled her days and nights with worry."

Source: Washington Post, 06/19/2017

"Congress to Pruitt: We’re Not Cutting EPA Budget to Trump’s Levels"

"House Republicans say they’ll protect programs that affect their districts. That’s a lot of the EPA’s work." "Members of the congressional committee responsible for the Environmental Protection Agency's budget—Republican and Democrat alike—made clear Thursday they have no intention of approving the White House's proposal to slash the agency's spending."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/16/2017

"5 Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter in Flint Water Crisis"

"FLINT, Mich. — By the time Robert Skidmore, an 85-year-old former auto industry worker, died in late 2015, officials had seen signs for months that Flint was wrestling with outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease, prosecutors say. Yet despite a wave of such cases in 2014 and 2015, no public warning was issued until early 2016."

Source: NY Times, 06/15/2017

Vets Affairs Official Downplays Agent Orange Risks, Questions Critics

"A key federal official who helps adjudicate claims by veterans who say they were exposed to Agent Orange has downplayed the risks of the chemical herbicide and questioned the findings of scientists, journalists and even a federal administrative tribunal that conflict with his views."

Source: ProPublica, 06/14/2017


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