Energy & Fuel

"Minnesota Supreme Court Delivers Blow To Line 3 Opponents"

"The Minnesota Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear an appeal by opponents of Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 oil pipeline, letting stand a key decision by independent regulators to allow construction on the project to proceed."

Source: AP, 08/26/2021

"Recommendations Target US Oil, Gas Leasing Across The West"

"An Indigenous leader from New Mexico and former U.S. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt called on the federal government Tuesday to overhaul its oil and gas leasing program to ensure the protection of cultural resources, saying for far too long tribal expertise has been ignored to the detriment of sacred landscapes."

Source: AP, 08/25/2021

"DOE Urged to Weigh Environmental Inequity From U.S. Ethane Boom"

"Efforts to expand production and exports of ethane—a natural gas byproduct used to make plastics—were criticized by groups that told the Department of Energy Tuesday that any job gains wouldn’t benefit regions bearing the brunt of environmental damage."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/25/2021

"EPA Rebuffed Warnings Its Auto Emissions Plan Was Too Weak"

"White House and other administration officials told the Environmental Protection Agency that its industry-backed plan for tightening auto emissions limits was too lax, but the agency rebuffed those warnings and released the proposal with provisions that could lessen its bite."

Source: Bloomberg, 08/25/2021


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