Energy & Fuel

September 25, 2024 to September 26, 2024

Radically Rural Summit

The Knight Foundation and Lenfest Institute for Journalism have provided grant funding to cover the costs for a select number of journalists to attend the summit in Keene, NH (including transportation, lodging and meals). 


"Hurricane Ida Forces Three Damaged Hospitals To Evacuate Patients"

"Hospitals in Southeast Louisiana, already burdened with extremely high numbers of covid patients, took a beating from Hurricane Ida, with roofs ripped off or damaged, leaving water pouring inside and forcing three bayou-country hospitals ravaged by the eye of the storm to evacuate their patients. Patients at a fourth hospital were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard."

Source: Washington Post, 08/31/2021

"Dems’ Reconciliation Plans: ANWR Drilling Halt, Lease Overhaul"

"As Democrats prepare their reconciliation package in the House, the Natural Resources Committee is proposing to halt drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, overhaul the federal oil and gas leasing program, and strengthen environmental review, according to a Democratic memo obtained by E&E News."

Source: E&E News, 08/27/2021

"Trump Adviser Involved In Vineyard Wind Opposition"

"The two Nantucket women said they were suing the federal government because they wanted to save the North Atlantic right whale from offshore wind. Then a former member of President Trump’s EPA transition team stepped to the microphone to commend them for their bravery."

Source: E&E News, 08/27/2021


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