
Link Seen Between Ubiquitous Cadmium & Kids With Learning Disabilities

"It's a heavy metal. It's linked to learning problems in school children. And every child is exposed. Sounds like lead? It's cadmium. Signs are emerging that cadmium – a widespread contaminant that gets little attention from health experts and regulators – could be the new lead. Children with higher cadmium levels are three times more likely to have learning disabilities and participate in special education, according to new research."

Source: EHN, 02/10/2012

Maryland: "Lawmakers Debate Ban on Arsenic in Chicken Feed"

"Chicken farmers nationwide have stopped feeding their flocks a drug containing arsenic since a 2011 government study suggested the cancer-causing metal may be tainting poultry, but Maryland lawmakers are still struggling with whether to ban the once-widespread practice."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 02/09/2012


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