
$2 Billion Verdict Against Monsanto Is 3rd to Find Roundup Caused Cancer

"A jury in Oakland, Calif., ordered Monsanto on Monday to pay a couple more than $2 billion in damages after finding that its Roundup weed killer caused their cancer — the third jury to conclude that the company failed to warn consumers of its flagship product’s dangers."

Source: NY Times, 05/14/2019

"Fifty Years After, A Daunting Cleanup of Vietnam’s Toxic Legacy"

"From 1962 to 1971, the American military sprayed vast areas of Vietnam with Agent Orange, leaving dioxin contamination that has severely affected the health of three generations of Vietnamese. Now, the U.S. and Vietnamese governments have joined together in a massive cleanup project."

Source: YaleE360, 05/13/2019

"Internal Documents Show 3M Hid PFAS Dangers For Decades"

"A 3M environmental specialist, in a scathing resignation letter, accused company officials of being 'unethical' and more 'concerned with markets, legal defensibility and image over environmental safety' when it came to PFAS, the emerging contaminant causing a potential crisis throughout Michigan and the country."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 05/10/2019

EPA Leaders Ignored Agency’s Experts in Issuing Asbestos Rule: Memos

"Senior officials at the Environmental Protection Agency disregarded the advice of their own scientists and lawyers in April when the agency issued a rule that restricted but did not ban asbestos, according to two internal memos."

Source: NY Times, 05/09/2019

State of the Air Report Spotlights Persistent Pollution Problems

Happen to have any air breathers in your audience? Then the latest State of the Air Report will give you fodder to cover the persistent pollution problems that plague the skies. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory on the fight against air pollution and five smart ways to tell the story from a local-regional context.

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