"GM Wheat No More Pest-Resistant Than Ordinary Crops, Trial Shows"
"A major field trial of GM wheat that is designed to repel aphids has found the crop is no better protected against the pests than conventional wheat."
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species
"A major field trial of GM wheat that is designed to repel aphids has found the crop is no better protected against the pests than conventional wheat."
"While the debate over whether to label foods containing GMO ingredients plays out across the country, another engineered food has long been waiting to hit grocery stores: genetically modified salmon."
"The world’s most endangered porpoise is disappearing much faster than previously believed, according to a new report from the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita."
"Eastern cougars that once roamed North America from Canada to South Carolina are extinct and no longer warrant federal Endangered Species Act protections, US wildlife managers have said."
For the Society of Environmental Journalists, diversity in environmental reporting has long been a concern. Over the organization’s 25-year history, its staff continually has asserted a two-pronged approach to inclusive coverage on the beat. The organization hopes the diversity concern will have its day in the sun at the upcoming annual conference Oct. 7-11, 2015, in Norman, OK.
"Conservationists decried a proposal on Monday by U.S. wildlife and marine animal managers to tweak rules tied to the federal Endangered Species Act, saying the plans would place "crippling" impediments to citizens petitioning to save imperiled creatures."
"Biologists looking at 40 years of fisheries data from Puget Sound have documented a dramatic shift in marine species. Key fish in the food chain, like herring and smelt, have declined, while the number of jellyfish has increased exponentially, to the detriment of the marine ecosystem."
"Climate change could drive up to a sixth of animals and plants on Earth to extinction unless governments cut rising greenhouse gas emissions, according to a U.S. study published on Thursday."
"U.S. fisheries managers on Monday proposed lifting protections for most humpback whales around the globe, including in American waters, based on evidence the mammals have made a strong comeback since commercial whaling drove them near extinction."