
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"At Inaugural Mass, Pope Francis Calls for Defending Environment, Poor"

"VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis issued a powerful call for the protection of the environment and of society’s most vulnerable during his formal installation Mass at the Vatican, while qualifying his papal power as a 'service' to the church and to humanity."

Source: Religion News Service, 03/21/2013

State Bills Would Make Farm Animal Abuse Investigations More Difficult

"SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- An undercover video that showed California cows struggling to stand as they were prodded to slaughter by forklifts led to the largest meat recall in U.S. history. In Vermont, a video of veal calves skinned alive and tossed like sacks of potatoes ended with the plant's closure and criminal convictions."

"Now in a pushback led by the meat and poultry industries, state legislators across the country are introducing laws making it harder for animal welfare advocates to investigate cruelty and food safety cases.

Source: Huffington Post, 03/18/2013
April 5, 2013 to April 7, 2013

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