
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"Fervent Foes Devote Their Lives To Fracking Fight"

"VESTAL, N.Y. -- Big energy companies have been trying for five years to tap the riches of the Marcellus Shale in southern New York, promising thousands of new jobs, economic salvation for a depressed region, and a cheap, abundant, clean-burning source of fuel close to power-hungry cities. But for all its political clout and financial prowess, the industry hasn't been able to get its foot in the door."

Source: AP, 07/05/2013

"Koch Millions Spread Influence Through Nonprofits, Colleges"

"Koch Industries, one of the largest privately held corporations in the world and principally owned by billionaires Charles and David Koch, has developed what may be the best funded, multifaceted, public policy, political and educational presence in the nation today."


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