National (U.S.)

"Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Claims Already Top $3 Trillion, US Says"

"Compensation claims filed by veterans and others who say they were sickened by toxic water at Camp Lejeune already total nearly $3.3 trillion, US Justice Department lawyers said in a court filing."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 10/31/2023

"Dramatic Plan To Expand Flood Areas Could Force Millions To Buy Insurance"

"It’s a glaring weak spot in climate protection: Millions of U.S. residents don’t have flood insurance and face financial ruin if their home is inundated. But the nation’s insurance gap would shrink under a dramatic proposal that could require millions of property owners to buy flood coverage for the first time, potentially costing them thousands of dollars a year."

Source: E&E News, 10/31/2023

The Washington Post Wins 2023 Nina Mason Pulliam Award for Outstanding Environmental Reporting

The winner of the 2023 Nina Mason Pulliam Award is "The Amazon, Undone" by Terrence McCoy, Júlia Ledur and Cecília do Lago, with photos by Raphael Alves and Rafael Vilela, for The Washington Post. Honorable mention goes to a team of students at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication for "Gaslit."

Topics on the Beat: 

"‘Get The Right Cases To The Supreme Court’: Inside Charles Koch’s Network"

"The Koch network, a web of rightwing groups cultivated by billionaire businessman Charles Koch and his late brother David Koch, is spearheading the attack on federal agencies and government regulations that dominates the US supreme court agenda this term."

Source: Guardian, 10/30/2023

"Court Indefinitely Blocks Gulf Oil Leasing Deadline Set For Nov. 8"

"A federal appeals court on Thursday indefinitely stayed an earlier order requiring the Biden administration to hold a November oil lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico, though it’s unclear whether the administration will immediately proceed with the sale."

Source: The Hill, 10/30/2023


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