Australia & Oceania

November 30, 2024

DEADLINE: Rest of World Photography Contest

Submit a single image made within the last two years showing how technology impacts you and your community. Open to photographers of any skill level, living and working in any part of the world. First-place winner receives $1,000; second-place $750; third-place $500. Deadline is Nov 30, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

"U.N. Mission Joins Growing Calls to Label Great Barrier Reef ‘In Danger’"

"The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem and one of its most biodiverse, is under significant threat from climate change and should be placed on a list of world heritage sites in danger, a United Nations-backed mission has recommended."

Source: NYTimes, 11/29/2022

Environmental Reporting Through an Indigenous Perspective

Indigenous communities that have tried to live in balance with nature have seen their practices largely ignored. But now many have turned to them for guidance. As part of a special initiative from the Society of Environmental Journalists on covering climate solutions, we offer a tipsheet from journalist Brian Bull on reporting on how Indigenous people use nature-based environmental solutions. Also, check out additional resources and watch video from an earlier webinar.

SEJ Publication Types: 

COP 27 Egypt — From Afar, How UN Meeting Will Affect Climate Change Reporting

How will the UN’s yearly climate treaty talks in Egypt next month touch domestic U.S. reporting? The latest Backgrounder has an outlook, with close attention to the question of compensation for nations suffering the worst impacts of global warming, plus the politics of war and energy, methane and HFCs. The prospects for action in and after Egypt.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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