NOAA Releases Annual Fisheries Report
A new NOAA report has reams of data on commercial and recreational fishing in the U.S.
Report: Lead from Hunting and Fishing Still Pollutes
Hunters' lead shot and anglers' lead sinkers are still a pollution source, despite rules restricting them.
Press Releases Could Get Security Stamp From White House
Here's an embargo that a federal employee could face charges for breaking.
House Passes Bill To Open Up Federal Advisory Committees
The House passed a bill that would do more to ensure open records and meetings of federal advisory committees.
Justice Settles Hatfill Case, Locy Jail Threat Still Pends
With the Hatfil anthrax case settled, why is a court still threatening reporter Toni Locy with jail and fines for refusing to reveal the identity of confidential sources?
Corps Withholds Dam Inventory Data
The Army Corps of Engineers has stopped giving the public access to a database that shows how well federal agencies are doing at dam safety.
Study: FOIA Reforms Haven't Brought Better Performance -- Yet
Despite a Bush Executive Order ostensibly aimed at improving agency FOIA performance, most agencies have little to show two years later.
National Academies Study Calls for Restoration of Climate Sensors
How can you tell whether global warming is happening if the White House shuts down the satellites needed to sense it by cutting their budgets?
Center For Public Integrity Gets SPJ Prize For Superfund Probe
The Center for Public Integrity gets an award most journalists would envy -- for its Superfund expose.