U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide related to energy use fell 2.8 percent last year, driven down by high oil prices and the sagging economy -- the steepest drop since 1982.
Despite having been banned in most uses for years, carbon tetrachloride, a probable carcinogen, persists in the environment. USA TODAY found it outside 70 of 95 schools in 30 states.
"A climate change bill working its way through Congress this week has been packed with amendments aimed at giving the coal industry a chance to survive if technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions is eventually perfected and deployed."
In the House climate bill, "consumers would receive around $750 billion in direct and indirect handouts and subsidies through 2030 to offset the higher energy costs."
"The Senate confirmed David J. Hayes as a top Interior Department deputy last night as two Republican senators ended a standoff with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar that had held up Hayes's nomination."
"Railroad companies are pressing federal regulators to cut back on trains carrying hazardous materials through urban areas, saying they fear a catastrophic release of toxic chemicals in a large city."
The House passed a measure that would allow visitors to carry loaded, concealed guns in National Parks. It passed 279 to 147, with 105 Democratic votes.