#SEJSpotlight: Chris Iovenko, Freelance Journalist

#SEJSpotlight graphic for Chris Iovenko


Meet SEJ member Chris Iovenko! Chris is a freelance science and climate writer who publishes in The Atlantic, HuffPost, The New Republic, National Geographic, Popular Science, Slate, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and elsewhere. Chris grew up in Louisville, Kentucky but has called Los Angeles home for many years. He previously worked in documentary and feature film, but as a new parent at the height of the California drought, Chris experienced a sense of panic around the existential threat posed by the climate crisis and has since made the switch to solutions-oriented science and environmental journalism. He is also an accomplished photographer and videographer and enjoys providing photos and media content to accompany his articles. In addition to SEJ, Chris is also a member of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW).

When asked if he recommends SEJ membership to his colleagues, Chris said, "As an independent writer I find it challenging to connect with other environmental writers and SEJ is a great conduit for that. The resources they provide are also very useful." Join us — apply for SEJ membership.

Check out some of Chris' work:

Find Chris:

Facebook         /chris.iovenko
X                       @ciovenko
Web                 chrisiovenko.com

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