Approved by the SEJ Board of Directors May 1, 2021.
As a journalism organization, SEJ supports and advocates for government transparency, an informed democratic process and press freedoms. In that spirit, SEJ strives to make its own actions a model of transparency. To that end, it is SEJ’s objective to have its own actions be open and transparent to its members.
PUBLIC PROGRAMS: All SEJ conference sessions, educational programs, services and other events are conducted on the record, with the exception of those held solely to facilitate story/idea pitching sessions by registered attendees to editors and/or publishers. The Executive Committee of the SEJ Board of Directors may approve additional exceptions on a case-by-case basis, but each exception and its terms must be disclosed clearly to event speakers and attendees as soon as possible, and no later than the official start of such event(s).
BOARD MEETINGS: Business meetings of the SEJ Board of Directors are open for observation to all SEJ members in good standing, and the board strives to set aside time at the end of each meeting for any members’ comments or questions. A portion of each meeting and necessary votes may be held in a closed Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal issues and other confidential, proprietary or strategic matters. Otherwise, all official actions and votes are taken in open session.
Documents may be shared at the discretion of the Board President, ideally in consultation with the Executive Director prior to meeting. Committee meetings are open to committee members and invited guests at the discretion of the committee chair.
Work sessions, retreats, trainings and other board gatherings convened for discussion, strategic planning and other good governance practices do not constitute board meetings within the meaning of this policy.
The date and time of each SEJ board meeting, along with topics of discussion, will be posted to the members-only section of the SEJ site as early as reasonably possible, except for in the case of special meetings as allowed by SEJ bylaws.
Members wishing to attend a board meeting must contact staff in advance of the meeting to obtain meeting location or remote login information.
Minutes of each board meeting will be posted to the members-only section of the SEJ website after they have been approved by the board of directors at the subsequent meeting.
Additional information regarding transparency and donations can be found in SEJ's financial policies.