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"Trump Vows To Pull Back Climate Law’s Unspent Dollars"

"Donald Trump pledged Thursday to rescind any “unspent” funds under the Inflation Reduction Act should he be elected in November — potentially upending key parts of the Democrats’ climate law and its benefits to Republican-led communities."

Source: Politico, 09/09/2024

Grant Brings Documentary Team to Chesapeake Bay’s Vastness

New York-based documentarians Sebastian Tuinder and Duy Linh Tu took their multimedia skills on the road to explore the environmental problems plaguing the Chesapeake Bay. The resulting project, “Trouble in the Chesapeake,” was nominated for a local Emmy award and was credited with helping efforts to curb over-the-limit discharges from Maryland’s wastewater plants. Lessons learned from the grant-funded effort, in the latest FEJ StoryLog.

SEJ Webinar: Mining Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability for Local Climate Disaster Stories

Join SEJ for a webinar on Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability, an interactive mapping tool designed to empower journalists and others to understand localized climate-fueled exposure to extreme weather disasters. Featuring AP’s Seth Borenstein and MK Wildeman and Rebuild by Design's Amy Chester and Johanna Lawton. 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. PT.
