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The Heat Is Online

The Heat Is Online

This blog-style site is regularly maintained by Pulitzer-winning former journalist Ross Gelbspan, author of two books about fossil-fuel industry funding of climate denialists.



This site, while cast in blog form, includes a searchable database of climate-change denialists. It is run and funded by Canadian PR magnate Jim Hoggan, founder of James Hoggan & Associates, "to clear the PR pollution that is clouding the science on climate change." Timely counter-spin.

This searchable database site, run by Greenpeace US, focuses on backgrounding and mapping out the large and complex network of climate-change denial organizations and front groups funded by ExxonMobil. (Full use of site requires Flash 7 player.)

Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air

Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air

Subtitle: "How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to "Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change"  A Jan. 3, 2006, report done for the Union of Concerned Scientists by independent journalist Seth Shulman. It documents in detail a "disinformation campaign" on climate science, funded to the tune of $16 million by ExxonMobil between 1998 and 2005.


SourceWatch (Wiki)

Center for Media & Democracy The iconoclastic CMD has been in the anti-spin biz for years (they wrote "Toxic Sludge Is Good for You" and produce "Spin of the Day"). This wiki project amounts to a nearly encyclopedic data file on the backgrounds and finances of many of the groups and spokespeople on the anti-regulatory front, with special emphasis on climate-change denialists.

Sifting Disinformation

RealClimate: Climate Science from Climate Scientists

Don't let the blog format of this site distract you from the substance of the articles it contains. When somebody is spinning the latest climate story, RealClimate posts authoritative, research-based articles in language accessible to lay readers while the controversy or deception is still fresh in headlines.
