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Fluoridation Debate Continues

A decades-old controversy continues to hound the issue of fluoridated drinking water, which is consumed by a little over half of the US population.

New Fire Plan Proposed, Old One Not Quite Working Yet

On Aug. 13, 2001, President Bush and Interior Sec. Norton endorsed a 10-year fire plan proposed by the Western Governors Assoc. that would grant Western states and localities more discretion in preventing and fighting wildfires.

SEJournal Summer 2008, Vol. 18 No. 2

In this issue: The politics of polar bears; Photographers "rave" about conservation...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.


SEJournal Spring 2007, Vol.17 No. 1

In this issue: Developing credibility is key in local nuclear-plant coverage; Web publication uses data to tell complex air-toxics story...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.

